Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blot Award

My very own, first Blot Award! This award will go, as often as needed, to the products that, sometimes despite their claims, use cheap and damaging ingredients.
So, the first Blot Award goes to....
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion

I bought this cream because it was only $15 @ Sephora, but shame on me, I didn't check the ingredients. After using it for a few days, my skin began to feel and look dry. For me it means itchy skin and tight feeling especially on my neck (ravages of ages). So I flip the bottle over and read the ingredients list.
First one listed is water. Second, mineral oil.
Mineral oil is a byproduct of crude oil, also known as petroleum. It is cheap and masquerades as an excellent hydrator. But in reality it blocks the skin and tricks it into thinking it does not need to produce any oil on its own. It becomes dysfunctional, the creme causing the exact problem it promises to solve.
On their website Clinique say this about their Dramatically Different Moisturizing lotion: Gives every skin the "drink" it needs after cleansing and exfoliating.
Shame on them and congratulations on their very first Blot Award!


  1. I have to say,I am very impressed,I Like the way you write,nicely done Romana"-" :)

  2. sounds like something i could use. thanks for the review.

    And thanks for adding my badges on your blog. I will add your url to my blogrolls too :)

    Tina from
    Mummy Diaries
    Gossip Avenue
    Travel Shack
    Game FreakZ
